Life insurance

Keep looking after loved ones

Whether you’re single, part of a couple or close to retirement - important people rely on you. It might be children, a partner or even your parents. Life insurance may help them cover expenses and protect their lifestyle, if you can’t be there every step of the way.

Life insurance can help:

  • Pay for a mortgage, taxes, funeral costs or other bills and
  • Maintain your family’s lifestyle, without your income.

It's especially important if:

  • You’re a single parent providing sole, or the majority of, support for your children or
  • Your loved ones would struggle financially without you.

Why get life insurance offered through CAPIC?

  • You get savings on the insurance you need, thanks to group pricing

How much coverage do you need?

The online life insurance calculator can help inform you how much coverage you might need to financially protect your loved ones in the event the unexpected happens.

How much coverage can you apply for?

  • You and your spouse1: $25,000 to $250,000 of coverage, in units of $25,000 (your spouse can’t apply for more coverage than you)
  • Dependant children2: $10,000 per child. Coverage for all of your children would only cost $1.60 per month

Extra advantages

  • Waiver of premium: if you’re totally disabled3 for an uninterrupted period of six months before age 65, your life insurance continues, but you don’t have to pay the premiums. In this case, you’ll need to meet all the requirements to show you’re totally disabled.

You're eligible if you meet all the criteria below:

  • A CAPIC member in good standing or an employee of CAPIC
  • Actively at work for at least 30 hours per week
  • Between the ages 18 and 64 (coverage ends on your 65th birthday)
  • A resident in Canada

You must be approved for coverage for your spouse or dependant child(ren) to be covered.

Meet the criteria? You can get life insurance for:

  • You
  • Your spouse
  • You + your spouse + your children

What's the cost?

Our rate sheets can provide you with a quick estimate.

Take these three steps to apply:

Icon of a download
Icon of a pen

Fill it out

Icon of a mail letter

Mail it in

Medical underwriting is required.


No benefits are payable for a death which occurs before insurance under this benefit has been in effect continuously for two years with respect to the insured or spouse, if death results directly or indirectly from self-inflicted injury or suicide, regardless of whether the person has the ability to form the requisite intent or regardless of whether the person has a mental illness such that the person does not know or understand the consequences of the person’s actions.

If you or spouse’s life insurance is subject to more than one effective date due to additional amounts having been applied for on the deceased, the two-year period will run separately from each effective date.


Call us at 1-877-363-2773
Mon to Fri 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET

You can also contact your plan advisor:
Daniel Patullo

1. Spouse: Your spouse by marriage or under any other formal union recognized by law, or a partner of the opposite sex or of the same sex who is living with you and has been living with you in a conjugal relationship for at least 12 months. For Québec residents, there is no minimum cohabitation period for common-law spouses if a child is born out of their relationship. Only one person at a time can be covered as your spouse.

2. Dependant children: Your children who are not married or in any other formal union recognized by law, dependant on you or your spouse for support, and are under the age of 21 (age 25 if the dependant is a full-time student – age 26 in Quebec), including adopted children and stepchildren, or children of any age if incapable of supporting themselves because of physical or mental disability. You must also have coverage in order to obtain dependant child coverage.

3. Totally disabled (for life insurance): For 180 days, you’re not able to work at an occupation that you are or could become qualified for by education, training or experience.