Long-term disability insurance

Financial protection for the long-term

A financial safety net to rely on if an illness or accident keeps you from working for a long time can spell relief. Your bills won’t wait, and you could have extra expenses to cope with during an illness. That’s why long-term disability (LTD) insurance is ready to catch you.

LTD insurance helps if:

  • You have a mortgage to pay
  • Your family couldn’t manage without your income
  • You have elderly parents who depend on you financially
  • You are a single parent
  • You would have to tap into your savings to pay day-to-day expenses
  • You would have to stop saving for your retirement or your children’s education

Why choose LTD insurance offered through CAPIC?

  • You get savings on the insurance you need, thanks to group pricing
  • CAPIC members have a 30-day elimination period
  • CAPIC employees have a 120-day elimination period

You're eligible if you meet all the criteria below:

  • A CAPIC member in good standing or an employee of CAPIC
  • Actively working at least 30 hours a week
  • Between the ages of 18 and 64 (coverage ends on your 65th birthday minus the elimination period)
  • A resident of Canada

How much coverage can you apply for?

CAPIC members: Coverage ranges from $500 to the maximum of $5,000 (based on your net annual earned income per month) in units of $250.

Employees of CAPIC: Coverage ranges from $500 to a maximum of $2,500, in units of $250.

Use the table below to find your annual income and the matching maximum monthly benefit.

Annual income Monthly benefit amount Eligibility
Up to $10,000 $500 Member and employee
$10,001 - $15,000 $750 Member and employee
$15,001 - $20,000 $1,000 Member and employee
$20,001 - $25,000 $1,250 Member and employee
$25,001 - $30,000 $1,500 Member and employee
$30,001 - $35,000 $1,750 Member and employee
$35,001 - $40,000 $2,000 Member and employee
$40,001 - $45,000 $2,250 Member and employee
$45,001 - $50,000 $2,500 Member and employee
$50,001 - $57,500 $2,750 Member only
$57,501 - $65,000 $3,000 Member only
$65,001 - $72,500 $3,250 Member only
$72,501 - $80,000 $3,500 Member only
$80,001 - $90,000 $3,750 Member only
$90,001 - $100,000 $4,000 Member only
$100,001 - $110,000 $4,250 Member only
$110,001 - $120,000 $4,500 Member only
$120,001 - $130,000 $4,750 Member only
$130,001 - $140,000 $5,000 Member only


Extra advantages

  • Waiver of premium: if you’re totally disabled1 before you turn 652 and your claim is approved, premiums will be waived while receiving long-term disability benefits

What's the cost?

Our rate sheets can provide you with a quick estimate.

Find out more

Read the full descriptions, limitations and any exclusions in your plan brochure.

When does coverage end?

Coverage ends on your 65th birthday, minus the elimination period. It also ends if you’re no longer receiving appropriate medical treatment and are no longer totally disabled.

Take these three steps to apply:

Icon of a download
Icon of a pen

Fill it out

Icon of a mail letter

Mail it in

Medical underwriting is required.


Securian Canada will not pay benefits for any period:

  • You are not receiving appropriate treatment
  • You do any work for wage or profit except as approved by Securian Canada
  • You are not participating in an approved partial disability or rehabilitation program, if required by Securian Canada
  • You are on a leave of absence, strike or lay-off except as stated under maternity / parental leave of absence or except where specifically agreed to by Securian Canada 
  • You are absent from Canada longer than 4 months due to any reason, unless Securian Canada agrees in writing in advance to pay benefits during the period
  • You are serving a prison sentence or are confined in a similar institution

Securian Canada will not pay benefits for total disability resulting from:

  • The hostile action of any armed forces, insurrection or participation in a riot or civil commotion
  • Intentionally self-inflicted injuries
  • Participation in a criminal offence


Call us at 1-877-363-2773
Mon to Fri 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET

You can also contact your plan advisor:
Daniel Patullo

1. You will be considered totally disabled:

  • during the first 24 months while you are continuously unable due to an illness to perform the essential duties of your regular occupation, and
  • afterwards while you are continuously unable due to an illness to perform any occupation, for any employer, for which you are or may become reasonably qualified for by education, training or experience and are not engaged in any gainful occupation. After 24 months, you are considered totally disabled if illness or injury prevents you from working at any occupation (this definition changes if you purchase the own occupation rider) for which you are qualified by education, training or experience, you are under the regular care of a physician and are not gainfully employed elsewhere except as permitted under the work rehabilitation program.

2. If you’re totally disabled for 90 consecutive days before age 65 and receiving LTD benefits, you don’t have to pay LTD premiums if you remain totally disabled.