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Accidental death and dismemberment insurance

Accidental death and dismemberment (AD&D) insurance built especially for dental hygienists

Nobody wants to have an accident, especially a serious one but an accident can happen and could affect your family's income. AD&D will help with finances while you or your family cope with a life-changing event.

Why choose CDHA AD&D insurance?

  • Coverage designed for dental hygienists, covering injuries specific to your profession
  • Choice of single and family coverage
  • Potential work re-entry benefit following an accident
  • CDHA offers group rates

You're eligible if you are:

  • A CDHA member in good standing
  • Under age 65
  • A Canadian resident

Meet the criteria? You can get AD&D insurance for:

  • You
  • Family (you + spouse + all dependant children)

How it works:

  • A lump-sum payment is paid if you or your covered family member suffers a serious injury or dies due to an accident.
  • The amount is a percentage of the AD&D coverage you’ve selected, based on the loss suffered. More details are in the plan brochure, but the table of losses below shows the percentages we use to determine the payment.
Table of losses Amount payable (% of principal sum)
Loss of life 100%
Loss of one or both arms or hands 100%
Loss of both feet 100%
Loss of sight of both eyes 100%
Loss of one foot and sight of one eye 100%
Loss of speech and hearing in both ears 100%
Loss of one hand and one foot 100%
Loss of use of one or both hands or arms 100%
Loss of use of both feet or legs 100%
Loss of use of both arms or both legs 100%
Loss of thumb or index finger of either hand 100%
Loss of one leg or one foot or sight of one eye 75%
Loss of use of one leg 75%
Loss of hearing, both ears 75%
Loss of speech 75%
Loss of use of one foot 75%
Loss of four fingers on the same hand 33.33%
Loss of four toes on the same foot 25%
Loss of hearing, one ear 25%
Loss of joint between two phalanges or phalange of thumb or index finger of dominant hand 10%
Loss of use of joint between two phalanges or phalange of thumb or index finger of dominant hand 10%
Quadriplegia 200%
Paraplegia 200%
Hemiplegia 200%


Here’s how family AD&D insurance works:

  • No dependant children? Your spouse will be insured for 50% of your benefit amount.
  • Spouse and dependant children? Your spouse will be insured for 40% of your benefit and each dependant child, regardless of the number, will be insured for 10% of your benefit, to a maximum of $50,000 per child.
  • Dependant children, no spouse? Each dependant child will be insured for 20% of your benefit up to a maximum of $50,000 per child.

How much coverage can you apply for?

  • $30,000 to $500,000, in units of $10,000
  • If you buy AD&D insurance as a stand-alone product, there are coverage limits. Coverage can’t be over $200,000, or twice the amount you’ve chosen for your term life insurance coverage (whichever is greater).

Get a quick online quote

To help you determine your monthly premium, use our easy-to-use free online quote tool.


  • Declared or undeclared war, insurrection or rebellion
  • Voluntary participation in a riot or act of civil disobedience
  • Intentionally self-inflicted injury or suicide, regardless of whether the insured person has a mental illness or intends or understands the consequences of their actions.
  • Committing or attempting to commit a criminal offence
  • The insured person riding as a passenger in, alighting from, or boarding an aircraft. They could be operating, learning to operate, or serving as a member of a crew of an aircraft. They could be crop dusting, crop spraying, seeding, sky-writing. It also includes racing, testing exploration or any other purpose except transportation.
  • Full-time service in the armed forces of any country

More details are in the plan brochure.


Call us at 1-877-363-2773
Mon to Fri 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET

Looking for multiple benefits?

Explore an easy all-in-one insurance option at one affordable rate. Combine your CI insurance coverage with a full suite of benefits with our bundled plan.