Protect your finances from a critical illness
Many Canadians experience a life-threatening illness like a stroke, heart attack or cancer.1
Many expenses aren't covered by your provincial health plan. It could mean dipping into your savings or retirement nest egg.
If you become sick with an illness covered by your policy and survive the waiting period, CDHA’s critical illness (CI) insurance for dental hygienists helps you focus on your recovery, not your finances.
Critical illness insurance…
- Is paid whether or not you are able to work
- Is a lump-sum payment you can spend any way you like
- Can help you with daily expenses to maintain your lifestyle
- Gives you financial freedom to seek alternative treatment options
- Helps cover costs not paid by your provincial health plan
- Can assist a family member with their expenses while they care for you
Why choose CDHA CI insurance?
- Your CDHA policy will cover 25 illnesses, many more than the average policy
- CDHA group rates
You're eligible if you are:
- A CDHA member in good standing
- Under age 65
- A Canadian resident
Meet the criteria? You can get CI insurance for:
- You
- Your spouse
- Dependant children
How much coverage can you apply for?
- You and your spouse: $30,000 to $300,000, in units of $10,000
- Dependant children: $5,000 to $20,000, in units of $5,000
All coverage is subject to medical evidence. Your coverage becomes effective upon the date your application is approved and when we receive your premium payment.
Benefits are only provided for one condition, following which, CI insurance terminates.
Find out more
Full descriptions and any exclusions are in the plan brochure, but here's a list of critical illnesses covered: